Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eight Years????

A few pics from that day....

On this day eight years ago, I stood before God and my loved ones and pledged my life and love to this man. Many of you reading remember that day!!! I could never have predicted the journey God had in store for us when we first met sooo long ago. It has been a roller coaster ride and with every turn and climb and drop, my husband teaching me to ride with my eyes open and my hands in the air. We have been blessed with eight years, each year becoming more precious as we journey on. My prayer is that we continue on our ride and are blessed with many many more!! Happy Anniversary my Sweet!!

Eight little gems about us:

1. We met in the dorm (does that ever happen anymore??) our freshman year
2. We like to quote movies
3. David is outgoing, I'm the shy one
4. Our song is Wonderful Tonight by Clapton
5. David never got to feed me my share of the wedding cake (I was afraid he would get it on my dress)..So I owe him
6. We like road trips
7. We both used to mountain bike (right Jenny ??)
8. We love Taco Bell on the back of the tailgate


Mrs. Winans said...

wow, those pics look vintage :)
Happy Anniversary, Nichole and DQ

love - nola

Jenny said...

Wow... 8 years! I remember that day! We rode with Curtis and Tori in their little Jetta.... I thought I was going to die! It was a beautiful wedding!! And, you were such a beautiful bride!

And by the way.... I still have my bike, helmet and gloves.... oh, and my tights. Wanna go ride?

Nichole said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment. Crazy that we are both Nicholes with h's and married to Davids!!
Happy Anniversary!

Les said...

I am LOVING the pictures! I didn't know ya'll met in the dorm! SUPER fun! Here's to many more wonderful years together.

The Wests said...

Y'all are so precious! Love those pictures.