Monday, November 19, 2007

On Friday( as if I needed to squeeze one more event in) Caroline's school hosted a Sing Along where the students and teachers take part in line dancin and sing a couple of C&W songs. Caroline was picked as a first grade song leader and was so excited.(I was a little bit more) She performed flawlessly and must take after her mother because she didn't want to get off the stage. Mom, Kristian and Emerson came along to see.
After that I was off and running!!!! Friday was set up at the Hilton and we transformed the Ballroom into a sleek, sophisticated lounge worthy of James Bond and his ladies. My apologies for the few pics, I was running like a madwoman until the ball started..coordinating flowers, workers, chaircovers and tablecloths, painting golden girls. A huge thank you to Mom for taking care of my girls, Nola for letting me cover her in gold and David, who humbles me with his patience with me even when he shouldn't be, doesn't remind me that there are no clean clothes or dirty dishes in the sink, or anything in the pantry, and still helps me despite the fact that he dislikes going to Ball. Saturday night,the Ball was a huge success and I must say that my hubby can sure give Bond a run for his money in the tux department as well as cut a rug on the dance floor!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? It truly was a fun evening..the food was suprisingly great(for the Hilton)...the Band rocked.(they even played Brass Monkey!!)..and lots of money was raised on behalf of the Junior League to continue their efforts enriching the lives of children in the Bryan-College Station community...thankfully I have a few months to recover till we start planning next year's Ball. Now I'm off to bed!!!!!

1 comment:

Les said...

What fun! You looked amazing. And give yourself props for successfully handling your crazy November!!!